Wildlife in Thailand

Discover Thailand's Diverse Wildlife

Thailand is home to a rich variety of wildlife, including many unique and endangered species. From the dense jungles of the north to the crystal-clear waters of the south, the country's diverse ecosystems support an incredible array of animals.

Asian Elephant in a lush green forest

Asian Elephant

The national animal of Thailand, revered in Thai culture.

Indochinese Tiger prowling through tall grass

Indochinese Tiger

A majestic big cat found in Thailand's forests.

Colorful Clown Fish swimming in coral reef

Clown Fish

Found in the coral reefs of Thailand's coastal waters.

Least Concern
Siamese Crocodile in murky water

Siamese Crocodile

A critically endangered freshwater crocodile.

Critically Endangered
Gibbon swinging through tree branches

White-Handed Gibbon

An agile primate found in Thailand's rainforests.

Colorful Hornbill perched on a branch

Great Hornbill

A large and colorful bird found in Thailand's forests.


Conservation Efforts

Thailand is committed to protecting its diverse wildlife through various conservation programs and national parks. However, challenges such as habitat loss and illegal wildlife trade continue to threaten many species. Visitors to Thailand can support conservation efforts by choosing ethical wildlife experiences and supporting local conservation organizations.

Best Places to See Wildlife in Thailand

Remember to always observe wildlife from a respectful distance and follow park rules to ensure the safety and well-being of both animals and visitors.